Sunday, December 13, 2009

A new day, a new dawn

Dear no one,
Today, I begin my first blog, and, in doing so, take a step towards becoming a writer. Either that, or I have way to much to complain about. An image comes to mind while I type this. It is of a dawn, orange streaks blazing across otherwise indifferent clouds. Then, the sun first peaks above the unforgiving hard line of the horizon. After all, is not every new beginning like a sunrise? Does not every new idea rise above the established order of our lives, and streak the masses that march about their chores with a new color?
But I digress. The real purpose of this first post is to establish the foundations of the new morning that I propose to conjure into being with my thoughts. Though I do not plan to write anything embarrassing about any single person, for the sake of friendly protection I shall be extremely vague when discussing people outside of my family, or inside my family who do not wish to be discussed. Also, from time to time I shall publish either a book review or an original work of my own. Though I am currently in a Creative Writing class, and therefore have plenty of material, it is only a semester-long class, and I cannot say how much time I will have for writing stories after that.
The over-arcing purpose of this blog is for me to have a place to express myself, but I would also like to entertain the reader. Any comments or suggestions are appreciated, and I will bear them in mind. Having said all that I plan to for now, I bid you Arrivederci(Goodbye).

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